LaMarsh Insights

Check out the latest news, ideas, and expert tips in the world of change management. Explore our blog to expand your knowledge of change management and apply it to your own career and community.

Job applicant hands resume to potential employer that outlines their change management certifications and change management experience that align with the job description.
As the discipline continues to become formalized and understood, we can expect more consistent roles and titles. Until then, this is what change management looks like on paper.
Merging and aligning two organizations is a huge undertaking. Aligning two different entities to form one new organization requires complex planning, mass organization, and high-quality communication.
Without employees, can change even occur? Employee engagement is important because it fosters ownership and commitment to the transformation at hand.
Don’t start from scratch - before considering opening a new business altogether, review what you already have and do what it takes to transition into something spectacular!
Strategic change management training is tailored to meet your organization’s needs; here’s how to choose the right training and make the most of it.
One of the most exciting developments since the COVID 19 pandemic is the increasing popularity of virtual workplaces. Find out what that means for company culture.
Understanding change management metrics is essential to tracking your business’ transformation. Learn how to apply these metrics to maximize your success.

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