Embracing Change Analysis for Organizational Success

As we turn the fresh pages of January, organizations are presented with an ideal moment to engage in change analysis. This process, akin to setting personal New Year’s resolutions, allows businesses to reflect on their current state and set a proactive course for the year.

Why January for Change Analysis?

January, a month of new beginnings, is the perfect time for organizations to conduct a change analysis. This period of introspection is when leadership teams can review the previous year’s initiatives and lay down the tracks for new goals and strategies. It’s a time to ask the hard questions: Are we on the right path? Is our current structure optimized for success? A change analysis now can set a transformative agenda for the entire year.

The Four Angles of Change Analysis

LaMarsh Global recommends a four-pronged approach to change analysis that examines structure, process, people, and culture, providing insights into different facets of organizational dynamics.

1. Structure: 

Does the current organizational structure support efficiency and effectiveness? Analyze the chain of command, the centralization of decision-making, and whether the technological tools at hand are hindering or helping.

2. Process: 

Assess how work flows through the organization. Identify bottlenecks, redundancies, and inefficiencies. A process that was optimal last year might now be outpaced by new technology or market demands.

3. People: 

Reflect on whether your team has the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to meet current and future challenges. January’s fresh perspective can highlight gaps in capabilities and training needs.

Change analysis

4. Culture: 

Consider the beliefs and behaviors that define your organization. Are they conducive to success, or do they stifle innovation and agility? The new year is a chance to reinforce positive elements and address any misalignments.

Executing Change Analysis

To perform a thorough change analysis, organizations must be willing to look at themselves honestly and critically. It requires gathering data, soliciting feedback from all levels, and being open to what might be uncomfortable truths.

Begin by mapping out the current state of the organization and identifying what works and what doesn’t.

Use this information to inform the employees most affected by the change, helping them understand the ‘why’ behind necessary transitions.

Evaluate the consequences of maintaining the status quo versus the potential benefits of proposed changes.

January’s Role in Change Analysis

January’s role is pivotal because it brings a sense of renewal, offering the psychological advantage of a fresh start. It’s a time when change is expected and embraced, making it easier to introduce new ideas and get buy-in from stakeholders.

Change analysis


Change analysis is not merely a business exercise; it’s a strategic imperative that sets the tone for the year. In January, when the spirit of reflection and resolution is in the air, conducting a change analysis can be particularly impactful. It’s an opportunity to recalibrate, align with new market realities, and ensure that your organization is reacting to changes and actively shaping its future. Let LaMarsh Global guide you in this essential endeavor, leveraging the new year’s momentum to drive successful transformation.

We Can Help

LaMarsh Global’s change management model is designed to guide organizations through this complex process, ensuring that change is implemented and embraced by those it impacts.

Check out LaMarsh’s transformation management training and certification opportunities. If you have any questions, please contact us for more information.

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